Thursday, September 26, 2013

Android vs. Apple

There is an ongoing debate about which type of phone is better : the Android or the Apple based product. Right now, the iPhone is the most popular phone with a net worth of about $506 billion USD. There are many pros and cons to both operating systems, but what makes each feature of the phones stand out from each other?


  • Changeable UI interface
  • Greater selection of phones (with different sizes)
  • Live Wallpaper (iOS 7 has it, but only 2 wallpapers)
  • More detailed maps and better GPS navigation
  • Generally easier to find more useful apps as it is more restrictive and controlling with its applications
  • Great polish and consistency on the exterior
  • Smooth interaction
  • Constant updates to applications and the OS itself
  • Accessibility (for the visually impaired, hard of hearing/deaf, physical/motor disabled, and people with learning/literacy disabilities.
The iPhone is the #1 consumer mobile phone product on the market with Android behind that along with the Windows Phone and Blackberry in the rear. They all have pros and cons to each smartphone. The question is: Which one do you prefer?

Comment below with your answer!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

American Education - Dumbed Down or Smartened Up?

Lately, I have been noticing some of my classes as well as others in my school learning about stuff we have learned or should have learned years ago. How do I know this? For one, it is common knowledge to those who are open-minded. Secondly, I had read "Grade 10" on a vocabulary book for students in a Grade 12 English class. I'm on the edge of thinking "We should have schools that are not regulated by the government so they can be competitive in education to be the best." When you think about the fact that some people aren't as fortunate as others in terms of finances, you feel like that is wrong as well. Either way, we can not be perfect -- this is true, but who's to say the United States Government can not raise the standards of our American general education curriculum. The better the education, the better the future - China is a perfect example with their high standards of education and better economy.