Monday, December 2, 2013


Music is a wonderful thing, ain't it? It's used in lots of things. Concerts, movies, video games, among other things. Music is used a lot to set a mood to reference fast-paced action, slow romantics, and depressing sadness. It is also used to entertain a person or group of people in any setting, whether it be a quiet banquet or a nightclub. Music can be taken anywhere nowadays with latest advancements in technology. It can be worn on your wrist, placed in your pocket, or be the cause as to why your house is literally shaking off its foundation. It can cure sadness or be the cause of such emotion. What's your favorite type of music? Band? Song? Post in the comments below so we can see how diverse the musical community is!

Also, I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. I had steak, creamy corn, homemade casserole, rolls, and pumpkin pie (yum)!