Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and countless others have lost their lives due to law enforcement overstepping the line. Whether it's due to racism or simply police stupidity - I can't say. If you look in the last ten years, you would find that just as many white people have had negative encounters with police just as much as black people, or asian people, or any other ethnicity.
The latest on Ferguson is disappointing, to say the least. The revolutionary activist group consisting of both ground and cyber members from all over the globe have made several claims of the exposing of Michael Brown's murderer - who happens to be a (ex)police officer of the local government entity known as the Ferguson Police Department, which has now been disbanded.
Looters, rioters, and people just standing on the sidelines have watched turmoil unfold in this city that has gone through lots of issues in the past several years. Citizens have asked some looters to stop their acts of looting, which has been successful in some areas. The citizens of Ferguson have even taken it upon themselves to police their own city, which has seen lots of improvement by doing so, in the past few days.
What happens next in Ferguson will remain up to state and federal governments to take action, especially in the area of police reform and public relations. To conclude: All police departments should see to it that police corruption is wiped to ensure the public's safety from their own public servants whose salary they pay for.